Saint Paul College Student Records Office is the official recorder of student academic records.
Phone: 651.846.1515
Saint Paul College Student Records Office is the official recorder of student academic records.
Phone: 651.846.1515
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment verifications are available after the 10th day of the semester in which you are requesting. You can obtain enrollment verification by requesting the form at the Enrollment Verification Form link above.
Preferred Name
The College recognizes and supports the members of its community who wish to use preferred names where legally permissible. A preferred name is a name that a person has chosen to identify as within the College which is different, in whole or in part, from one’s legal name. The Preferred Name must be filled out by the student in their eServices account by following these steps:
Official Transcript Requests
The transcript serves as the official record of student effort while enrolled at the College.
Please note: If you are transferring to a college or university within the Minnesota State system, they can access your official Saint Paul College transcript free of charge as long as there are no holds on your record. There is no need to submit a transcript request.
Request Official Transcripts Online
You can order electronic transcripts online through the National Student Clearinghouse and will be charged as follows:
Standard Processing (3 business days)
Electronic transcripts: $6.25/copy*
Rush Processing (1 business day) – Not available if you attended prior to Fall 1998
Electronic transcripts: $11.25/copy*
*When ordering electronic transcripts, it is your responsibility to ensure the recipient has the ability to receive them. Ordering and downloading an electronic transcript to yourself makes the transcript unofficial.
Request Official Transcripts using Paper Form
Paper form requests are available on a case by case basis, please email For fastest processing time, please utilize the online request option through the National Student Clearinghouse.
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Records Office at 651.846.1515 or
Saint Paul College—A Community & Technical College complies with federal and state laws that protect the privacy of student records, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR 99; and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) Minn. Stat. Ch 13 Minn Rules Ch 1205; and other applicable laws and regulations concerning the handling of education records. Students enrolled in the college are required to supply information necessary for services to be rendered. Although students are not legally required to provide the requested data, all requested information is essential to college processes and services. Refusing to supply requested information may result in the denial of admission to a program, registration or other services.
The College gives assurance that student information will be safeguarded against improper disclosure as indicated in this policy. To implement the state and federal law, the College has established a policy that affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records.
Student: A student is an individual who has either applied for enrollment, who is currently enrolled, or has been formerly enrolled at Saint Paul College. A student is an individual receiving educational services by any method. All students have the same rights regarding their educational data.
Educational Data: Educational data are those records directly related to a student and maintained by Saint Paul College. Educational data includes, but are not limited to admissions materials, financial aid records, transcripts, class lists, class schedules, graded exams or papers, records of disciplinary procedures, work student records and much more. Certain information is exempted from the definition of “educational data” including:
A school official is a person employed by Saint Paul College in an administrative, supervisory, and academic or support staff position. A person or company with whom Saint Paul College has contracted; a person serving on the Board of the Trustees or in the Office of the Chancellor, a student serving on an official college committee, a consultant, a college public safety officer acting in a health or safety emergency, or a person assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review educational data in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Saint Paul College will not permit access to or the release of personally identifiable information contained in student educational data without the written consent of the student to any third party (including parent/guardian, dependent, or spouse/domestic partner), except as authorized by FERPA and MGPDA or other applicable law. A student may grant or revoke consent by complete the Release of Information eForm, available on the Student Records website. The student must present a government or college-issued photo ID in person when signing and submitting this form.
Saint Paul College designates the following information as directory data:
Because directory data is considered public, Saint Paul College will release such information to anyone upon request except for the directory data of students who have requested it to be withheld from public disclosure.
Saint Paul College designates the following information as limited directory data: Student email address, personal email address, home address, and phone number. Limited directory data of students nearing completion of their studies will be released to Minnesota State institutions for recruitment and marketing communications, and to the Friends of Saint Paul College.
Student email addresses and Star ID numbers are defined as limited directory data for enterprise technology related purposes internal to the Minnesota State system that are approved by System Office IT, including, but not limited to, inclusion of email addresses and Star ID numbers in a directory accessible to Minnesota State students and employees.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy, the following information is defined as Limited Directory Data for purposes of sharing with LeadMN so the association can communicate with their members: Student name, e-mail address, and Student Change Code (NEW/RTN/DROP).
A student may direct that any or all of the directory and limited directory information be withheld from public disclosure by notifying the Registrar in writing. The non-disclosure request will be permanent unless the student requests otherwise.
As allowed by the MGDPA and FERPA, the college will release student records without consent:
Upon written request, the College shall provide a student with access to his or her educational records. There is no charge for viewing the records even if the college is required to make a copy of the data in order to provide access. Responses to requests by students to review their educational records shall be within ten (10) business days.
Records pertaining to students’ histories of student conduct violations and applicable sanctions shall be kept for a minimum of five years and kept separate from students’ academic records. The only persons having access to these records shall be the President of the College, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs, the Dean of Student Success, and the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Any other person who wishes to review these files must have permission from the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs, the Dean of Student Success, or the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
This catalog is the official source for information about our programs, courses, and services. Saint Paul College reserves the right to change – without notice – any information published in this catalog. This catalog is not a contract. The College makes every effort to provide the courses, programs, and services outlined in this catalog. However, academic calendars and the delivery of services are subject to modification.